The loss of biodiversity on a global scale is at an unprecedented rate in human history, threatening the process of sustainable development. Countries around the world are drafting the Global Strategic Framework on Biodiversity until 2030.
In Vietnam, 2022, the first year the 2020 Environmental Protection Law officially takes effect, means that many new policies on biodiversity conservation have been applied. The Government has also issued the National Strategy on Biodiversity to 2030, vision to 2050… This is considered a guideline for conservation actions in the coming time.
Urgently promote conservation work
Biodiversity conservation is one of the country’s urgent tasks. To protect ecosystems, the Government as well as ministries, branches and localities have issued many important legal documents such as: Law on Forest Protection and Development, Law on Environmental Protection; Water Resources Law; Fisheries Law. In particular, the 2008 Law on Biodiversity opened a turning point for biodiversity conservation, creating a legal basis for local communities to participate in conserving natural resources through mechanisms. new co-management and benefit sharing.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is developing a National Biodiversity Conservation Plan for the period 2021 – 2030, with a vision to 2050. The plan will help guide the sustainable use of biological resources in biodiversity areas. high, ecologically important landscape; enhance effective cooperation between sectors in the use of biological resources to serve the needs of socio-economic development, defense and security; ensure participation of the community and stakeholders. At the same time, effectively support the State management of biodiversity according to an ecosystem-based system approach.
Along with that are policies, strategies and plans to promote biodiversity conservation. In 1995, “Vietnam’s Biodiversity Action Plan” was issued immediately after Vietnam became a member of the Convention on Biological Diversity; In 2013, the Prime Minister signed and issued Decision No. 1250/TTg-CP approving the National Strategy on Biodiversity to 2020, with a vision to 2030…
Currently, 34 localities have developed biodiversity conservation plans; 23 provinces have planned new planning objects… Localities have planted 21,000 hectares of coastal forests, of which, 13,660 hectares of new forests have been planted, 7,340 hectares of additional planting and restoration of poor quality forests. Coral reefs are also regenerated in some marine protected areas such as Con Co, Son Tra, Cu Lao Cham, Nha Trang Bay…
Not stopping there, Vietnam also actively participates in the process of building a global framework on biodiversity: It is one of the member countries of the Convention on Biological Diversity and has contributed ideas in the building process. Global biodiversity framework. Becoming one of the leading countries in the region when promulgating the Decree on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing; Being the 7th country in ASEAN to join the International Convention on Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the first country in ASEAN to develop a national action plan on wildlife trade management …
In order to introduce Vietnam’s biodiversity and biodiversity conservation efforts, and at the same time, call on partners to cooperate and take action to prevent the ongoing loss of biodiversity on a global scale, including Vietnam, Recently, in Montreal, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment coordinated with the International Organization for Conservation of Nature (WWF) to organize the event “Protecting Vietnam’s natural heritage”
With the above efforts, Vietnam is highly appreciated internationally and by countries in the Southeast Asia region for implementing actions to protect biodiversity.
Clear goals, ready to take action
We have made many efforts, but it is still not enough to reduce the decline of biodiversity. Biodiversity conservation currently still faces many challenges, requiring appropriate vision and strategic steps. To prevent the decline of biodiversity, right from the beginning of 2022, the Government issued Decision 149/QD-TTg approving the National Strategy on Biodiversity to 2030, with a vision to 2050.

This strategy encourages non-governmental organizations, businesses, and people to participate in conservation activities and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services, promoting natural capital for the first time. stipulated in the Law on Environmental Protection 2020, boldly expanding the private sector to participate in biodiversity conservation. At the same time, the new goal is to expand and improve the efficiency of management of the system of natural heritages and nature reserves to ensure that the area of natural reserves on the mainland reaches 9% of the territorial area. mainland; The area of protected marine and coastal areas reaches 3 – 5% of the country’s natural sea area; internationally recognized 15 Ramsar sites, 14 biosphere reserves, 15 ASEAN heritage gardens; The national forest coverage rate remains stable from 42% – 43%; restore at least 20% of the degraded natural ecosystem area; no more wild species become extinct; Populations of at least 10 endangered, precious and rare species prioritized for protection have been improved; Wild genetic resources and plant and animal varieties are kept and conserved to achieve the goal of collecting and storing at least 100,000 genetic resources…
To achieve the set goals, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment quickly issued a Plan to implement the National Strategy on Biodiversity to 2030, with a vision to 2050. In particular, 8 tasks will be implemented. including: Developing and completing policy documents, legal regulations, and technical instructions on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; Strengthen management capacity and law enforcement on biodiversity; survey, monitor and build a database on biodiversity; propagate and raise awareness about biodiversity; Deploy scientific and technological tasks to serve biodiversity management and conservation; promote international cooperation on biodiversity conservation; Implement solutions and pilot models on conservation, restoration, sustainable use of ecosystems, species, genetic resources and control of impacts on biodiversity.
Regarding the development and completion of policy documents and legal regulations, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment determines that from 2022 to 2025 it will focus on building the National Biodiversity Conservation Plan for the period 2021 – 2030, vision to 2050; Develop and submit for promulgation a Draft Decree amending Decree No. 160/2013/ND-CP on criteria for determining species and management regime for species in the List of endangered, precious and rare species prioritized for protection… Develop and promulgate technical guidelines, economic and technical norms on biodiversity…
In particular, in 2023, the capacity of the Department of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity will be strengthened to ensure the implementation of State management tasks on biodiversity of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; Build cooperation mechanisms with ministries, branches, localities and conservation organizations to improve the effectiveness of biodiversity management; Establish and operate a network of world biosphere reserves, Ramsar sites, and ASEAN heritage gardens; Strengthen inspection and examination of the implementation of laws on nature conservation and biodiversity.