According to the United Nations, Earth’s ecosystems are continuing to degrade or change; Biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate in human history, reaching an irreversible level due to population growth and the pressures of socio-economic development, especially from fossil fuel exploitation and use.
Figures published by the United Nations Intergovernmental Forum on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services show a very worrying situation, 1 million out of 8 million animal and plant species on the planet are endangered. threatened with extinction; Every year, about 10 million hectares of forest are lost, leading to the decline of many plant species. According to calculations, by 2050, with current production and consumption models that consume a lot of natural resources, along with the expected increase in world population to reach 9.6 billion people, it will be necessary to It takes 3 Earths to meet humanity’s living needs.
Vietnam is recognized as one of 12 biodiversity centers, one of 16 countries possessing the highest biodiversity globally with precious, rare, rich and endemic genetic resources.
Thung Nham, Ninh Binh |
However, Vietnam is facing biodiversity degradation along with other huge challenges such as the Covid pandemic, environmental and water pollution, land degradation, and ocean plastic waste. and the extreme effects of climate change.
During the period 2016-2022, the Government approved the National Strategy on Biodiversity to 2030, with a vision to 2050, setting many biodiversity conservation goals for the new period.
Vietnam is determined to promote economic restructuring associated with the development of a digital economy, green economy, and circular economy to effectively use and conserve resources and be environmentally and climate-sustainable. , protect the living environment. The 2020 Environmental Protection Law was officially implemented from January 1, 2022 with many breakthrough policies and solutions, marking a period of strong transformation in environmental protection, towards the goal of highest level of improvement of environmental quality, protection of people’s health, ecological balance, biodiversity conservation and sustainable economic development. In which, businesses and people will play a central role. Recognizing the importance of biodiversity and its role in maintaining the sustainable development of lives, livelihoods and the economy, Vietnam has recently included in legal documents regulations requiring Requires investment projects with a high risk of negative impact on the environment and some investment projects with the risk of negative impact on the environment to carry out biodiversity impact assessment. This content has been detailed in Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP dated January 10, 2022 and Circular No. 02/2022/TT-BTNMT dated January 10, 2022.
To protect the environment and preserve biodiversity, in the coming time it is necessary to focus on fulfilling the following requirements:
First of all, there needs to be a strong change in thinking and awareness about a sustainable lifestyle in harmony with nature; building ethics, culture, and ecological civilization in dealing with nature; Build a set of cultural and green lifestyle criteria in the entire society. Focus on successfully transforming the economic structure, innovating the growth model from “brown” to “green”, from intensive exploitation of natural resources to knowledge economy, digital economy, circular economy, low carbon; investment in natural capital.
Firstly, focus on solving environmental pollution problems in main river basins, industrial zones, clusters, and craft villages; promote classification and collection of household solid waste at source; Apply advanced technology in recycling and solid waste treatment, gradually reducing direct landfilling of waste; overcome and improve pollution and land resource degradation; Strengthen activities to prevent environmental crimes, hunting and wildlife trafficking.
Second, control the negative impacts of projects and economic activities on nature and biodiversity. Carry out impact assessment of socio-economic development activities on natural heritage in strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment. Develop and implement a biodiversity compensation mechanism, especially for forest and wetland ecosystems.
Third, consolidate and strengthen the natural heritage system, especially through synchronous implementation of new regulations of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 and Decree 08/2022/ND-CP, which prioritizes Strengthen capacity and resources for environmental management and protection of natural heritage; newly established, proposing international organizations to recognize titles for natural heritages. Deploy the development of technical guidelines for establishing projects to establish and recognize natural heritage.
Promote biodiversity valuation; Continue to expand the application of ecosystem service payment mechanisms for natural ecosystems, especially forests, wetlands, seas, rocky mountains, caves and geoparks. Develop a network of biosphere reserves, ASEAN heritage gardens, and Ramsar sites.
Fourth, protect and restore important natural ecosystems. Promote the implementation of models for conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems. Develop and implement programs and plans to restore and sustainably use degraded natural ecosystems, especially mangrove forests, coral reefs, seagrass beds and important wetlands; implementing resilience-based management for coral reefs.
Strictly manage, protect, and restore natural forests; Protect and sustainably develop 100% of the existing forest area. Effectively prevent illegal exploitation of plants and animals and deforestation. Strengthen the capacity to prevent and fight forest fires, reduce the number of incidents and the area of burned forests.
Effectively implement the goal of the Decade for Restoration of Natural Ecosystems and towards COP15 of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity; Strongly promote the movement of all people participating in the effective implementation of the Program to plant 1 billion trees; protect forests, restore and plant new mangrove forests; Increase the rate of conservation associated with ecological economic development and sustainable livelihoods of the people.
Plant forests to preserve biodiversity |
Fifth, continue to build and implement conservation programs for endangered and rare wild animals and plants and animals prioritized for protection. Develop a system of ex situ conservation facilities, animal rescue centers, animal gardens, botanical gardens, and medicinal plant gardens. Strengthen the prevention of illegal exploitation, hunting, catching and trading of rare and precious wild animals and plants; Strictly control wildlife farming activities.
Sixth, promote the conservation of rare, endemic, and endangered genetic resources. Promote access to genetic resources and benefit sharing. Strengthen control, prevent the introduction, development and minimize the impact of invasive alien species. Continue to control risks from genetically modified organisms, focusing on the management of import, licensing and breeding of genetically modified organisms.
Source Magazine of the Central Propaganda Department