Biodiversity conservation planning of Bac Lieu province – Source:
Ap Canh Dien Species and Habitat Conservation Area has geographical coordinates: From 9°04’13” to 9°04’56” North latitude and from 105°23’51” to 105°24’50” East longitude. The North borders the Dong Hai District Party Committee shrimp square; the South borders the Provincial Police shrimp square; the East is 120 meters from Ho Phong – Ganh Hao canal and the West borders the shrimp farming household of Gach Coc canal.
The Canh Dien Hamlet Species and Habitat Conservation Area, Long Dien Tay Commune, Dong Hai District, has many species of birds residing and breeding, becoming an ecotourism planning site of the province; additional biodiversity surveys in this area showed that there are over 79 species of higher plants belonging to 72 genera in a total of 39 families belonging to 2 plant phyla, 160 species of vertebrates, including 7 species of mammals, 73 species of birds, 6 species of reptiles and amphibians, 74 species.