Species and habitat conservation area of ​​Bac Lieu Bird Garden, Bac Lieu

Bac Lieu Bird Garden, an interesting destination for those who love nature – Source: http://tourismcantho.vn/

Bac Lieu Bird Garden Species and Habitat Conservation Area has geographical coordinates: From 9°14’4” to 9°14”53” North latitude and from 105°42’19” to 105°42’38” East longitude; to the North and East borders Nha Mat ward; to the West and South borders Vinh Hau A commune.

Bac Lieu Bird Garden is a remnant of the coastal mangrove forest, due to natural sedimentation, it has gradually moved further away from the East Sea. Bac Lieu Bird Garden with an area of ​​130 hectares, has more than 100 species of birds, storks, the number of individuals up to more than 60 thousand birds, including many rare bird species listed in the Red Book of Vietnam and the world.

The bird garden has preserved a rich and diverse ecosystem, with 150 animal species and 109 plant species. The natural forest is characterized by date palms, toads, tra, gia, mam trees… That is the main habitat that plays a major role in the life, nesting and reproduction of wild birds. Date palms are suitable for birds of the stork and heron groups to choose as a place to build their nests. Tra bodhi trees and tra lam bon trees are suitable for grey herons and sesbania species. Gia and coc trees are suitable for fire herons to live and nest during the breeding season. All intertwined to create a green environment suitable for owls to live in. The birds living here seem to have a convention, clearly dividing their territories. At the highest point, the storks perch, while the white storks and white ibises divide their nests in various places on the moderately high tree layers…

With its high biodiversity, the bird garden in Bac Lieu has been recognized as a Nature Reserve since 1986. In 2014, the garden was recognized by the Government as a Species-Habitat Conservation Area.

Source: Department of Natural Resources and Environment